Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is an internal parasite that invades the heart of both dogs and cats. It is spread by mosquitoes and is better known for causing serious disease in dogs. Heartworm has been found to infect cats but the ability to cause disease in cats is

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Flea Control

There are many products currently available on the market. Products such as Frontline Plus and Advantage cover fleas only when applied monthly. Other products such as Revolution and Advocate cover fleas as well as some species of mites and intestinal worms. Our staff are happy

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The importance of Desexing

We strongly recommend desexing all animals that are not required for breeding. The main benefits of desexing are preventing unwanted litters, reducing undesirable behaviours such as urine spraying and roaming in males and reducing the risk of health problems later in life. These health problems

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Kitten Care: Intestinal Worming

Cats are susceptible to roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm infections. They can become infected through contact with other cats, the environment generally or, most commonly in kittens, from their mother at birth. We recommend using a good quality allwormer product such as Drontal. Kittens should be

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Kitten Care: Vaccinations

Vaccination is an important way of preventing disease in your kitten. We recommend that all cats are vaccinated against feline rhinotracheitis virus, feline calicivirus and feline panleukopaenia. Kittens require an initial course of 3 injections: Initial kitten F3 (Due at 8 weeks) Second kitten F3

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Kitten Care: Diet

Kittens can be weaned from 3 to 6 weeks of age by gradually introducing solid food. We recommend that you use a good quality ‘complete and balanced’ diet such as Hills Science Diet. A ‘complete’ food is one that gives your kitten all the nutrition

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